Pain is a protective mechanism sent from the nervous system that can frequently become a chronic condition. Its purpose is to make us aware of a problem.
The purpose of our Neurofucntional Pain Program is to correct abnormal activity in the nervous system and decrease painful input from the area of complaint.
Pain rarely originates from a single source, in order to accurately assess your condition, our examination process is multi-faceted covered the following:
Neurologic integrity
Reflexive biomechanics
Metabolic adaptations
Psycho-emotional components
Our neurofunctional approach has demonstrated a superior potential to stimulate desired neuron pools and effectively treat conditions commonly diagnosed as:
Migraines & TMJ dysfunction
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Hip and Shoulder Impingements
Tennis and Golfers elbow
Plantar Fasciitis
Figure 4 - Sheldon during his discharge visit with Holly Zita, RMT